Friday, December 17, 2010

december weeks

Have we really past the middle of the month?  I've been busy trying something new...e-bay.  Who knew you could make a living auctioning off  rubber chickens?

So here's a hodgepodge of December pictures...


and sunset...

Sophie, shadows, sunshine, smile...

Sophie and Caitlin...
and Caitlin and her preschool teacher on Pajama Day.  They took an imaginary field trip on the Polar Express.

It's the season of lists.

Here's the man.

Kyle's giving it some thought..


J said...

YAY! Now we are blogger connected! Wonderful!

Ali said...

that is the sweetest baby smile i've ever seen!

Megan Raines said...

Hi Ali and J! Thanks for stopping by. I'm looking forward to reading more from both of you! Good luck with your Christmas preparations.